
TheaRender 3.0 Bata测试

今天看到TheaRender开发人员托马斯(Tomasz)发布了TheaRender 3.0的最新动态,TheaRender 3.0 Bata正在内测当中。目前应该会先发布一个支持SketchUp2020的v2.2过渡版本,然后再发布全新的、功能更加强大的TheaRender 3.0。


Hi everyone,

We will start in few weeks the beta testing of Thea for SketchUp 3.0 with several requested features. If you’re interested in participating in the closed beta, please email us at sketchup (at) thearender (dot) com with subject “Thea for SketchUp Beta”.

In the e-mail, please write few words about you, along with a sample of your works. If possible, please mention your hardware configuration.

Best regards


2 条回复 A 作者 M 管理员
  1. 期待!这个渲染器真是容易出效果,而且很有效率。

    • 我也很期待有哪些新功能

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