I always look to diagrams to help tease out ideas or to clarify my thoughts as early on in the design process as possible. The diagram being broken down below is working off of a simple model with almost no detail or structural articulation making it easier to update as the design evolves. This illustration is meant to study the big picture concept of the programmatic zones and will help me to think through some of the future design moves. At the same time, I know this will eventually be used in presentation materials, so I introduced some quick atmospheric and graphical effects to add a little emotion and give the image some texture. Items like annotation and information keys will be added later as I get closer to inserting the illustration into the portfolio.

我们看建筑Philly Diagram图的制作方法是非常简单的,主要是前期SketchUp+后期处理。这是一篇非常棒的文章,分享给大家,希望对大家有帮助。
注:本文并非我个人原创,由作者:Alex Hogrefe | 2017年6月1日|发布。如果您喜欢本文,请尊重原作者,不要用于商业行为。
1. Clay
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