I wanted to have some fun with this image and create something that conveyed the scale of this project. Sort of a grand finale image. I have already generated a lot of close-up vignettes, but nothing really showing the project its totality. I chose a view that would grab some of the horizon, but also show the cliffs crashing into the water below. Because of the parameters of the view, I didn’t have an aerial image that I could just patch my project into. I had to create something from scratch by stitching many context images together. Below is a quick break down of the illustration.

您知道建筑可视化的高度是无止尽的,这个悬崖建筑:Finale Image是我见过非常棒的一个文章,这里分享给各位SketchUp爱好者,希望对大家有所帮助!
本文并非我个人原创,由亚历克斯·霍格雷夫|2016 年 3 月 6日发布。如果您喜欢本文,请尊重原作者,不要用于商业行为。